Air Compressor Sizing Guide
Air compressors are a very good tool to use, they can be used for business purposes as well as personal purposes. They can also be used for a whole variety of things from farming to building work. However, there are some things that you do need to know before you go ahead and decide to purchase one. This is because each air compressor is a different size. The size of the air compressor that you’re looking at will have a big impact on what you can do with it and what it is suitable for.
For instance, if you purchase one that’s only suitable to inflate tires, then you probably won’t be able to use it for farming. Best of Machinery has provided you with an air compressor sizing guide just below so you will know exactly what type of air compressor you need to purchase.
Portable air compressors are very useful, and they are able to help you with a whole load of small jobs. For instance, they can help you pump up a tire, or they can help you place nails into the wall when you’re using a nail gun. There is one thing that you must be aware of when you purchase a portable air compressor, and that is that they are not very suitable for big jobs, or tools that require a lot of power.
This is because they don’t actually have the power to be able to operate a big type of tool to its maximum standard. It would be able to operate it, but probably at a very poor rate, this is because the compressed air would still be going to the tool, but there wouldn’t be enough condensed air, and it wouldn’t be quick enough.
Tank size
The tank size is a very important factor that you will need to look at before you do go ahead and purchase an air compressor. This is because the size of the tank will instantly tell you how much air it is able to compress, so the bigger the tank, the more compressed air that you will get to work any tool you desire.
The reason why it’s so important to get a tank size that is able to suit your tools is that if you get one that has too much of a small tank, it is quite likely that it will overheat. When it does overheat, it means that the air compressor will keep stopping and starting so it can be quite a nuisance when you’re trying to use it. So if you have a tool that needs to be used at a constant rate, then it’s important that you do end up purchasing an air compressor that has a larger tank.
This is very important, and you will need to check the exact amount of air flow that each air compressor produces before you do decide to purchase a specific one. You can easily find out the amount of airflow that it has by simply looking in the description, if it doesn’t say there then you should definitely ask the seller before you do purchase it. When you’re looking to see how much airflow the air compressor has, you will need to look for the PSI, this means pounds per square inch.
This will actually let you know how effective the air compressor is, and one way that should help you decide what air compressor you need to purchase is by looking at the tools you are going to be using with it, and look to see which one requires the highest amount of air flow. Once you have done this, you will then know that you need to purchase an air compressor that has this amount of PSI, or you can even buy one that is slightly higher than what you need.
Before you do purchase an air compressor, you will need to know exactly where you want to put it. This is only important if you’re planning on purchasing a stationary air compressor and the reason for this is because once it’s been placed in a location, it will be very difficult to move it again unless you have specialist equipment that enables you to do so. Therefore you will definitely need to measure where you want to put it, and if you’re purchasing an electrical air compressor, then there will need to be access to a wall socket nearby.
Air compressors are a very useful tool that you can use on a daily basis. They can be used for a whole range of things, from painting to cleaning electronic devices. However, when painting with an airbrush, you will need to use an airbrush compressor. They are also suitable to be used for business purposes as well, but you will need to know what size air compressor you need to purchase before you do go ahead and buy one. This is because the air compressor may not be suitable for the type of tools that you want to actually use, so it’s best to check what kind of tank size you need and to check the location of where you want the air compressor to be able to fit.
Therefore the sizing of the air compressor is crucial, and you need to get this right. Otherwise, your tools may not work as well as they could with a bigger air compressor. Plus, it could also cause the air compressor to keep stopping and starting.