How to use a Snow Blower?
Many people are becoming more knowledgeable about the unique opportunities snow blowers provide for those who live in areas that are heavily impacted by winter weather. Having a snow blower allows home owners to save time and effort when it comes to taking care of their yards and maintaining a clear driveway. It’s a great investment and intrigues many home owners. However, despite the notable benefits that are becoming more and more evident to the general public.
Many people are still unaware of how to incorporate the use of a snow blower into their routine, or if their driveway meets the necessary qualifications to merit investing into a snow blower. These are all valid concerns and questions, but fortunately they are easily resolved. If you live in an area that is heavily impacted by snow, you’ll get impressive and effective use out of a snow blower. These areas include, but are not limited to, New York, Minnesota, Iowa, Colorado, and surrounding states.
If you live in a region that is more southern but still receives a significant amount of snow, you will also see benefit from this tool. If you live in a warm region like Florida, New Mexico, or Arizona, it is unlikely that a heavy duty snow blower will make the same sort of impact for your winter cleaning routine. When it comes to using a snow blower, the conclusions are far more straightforward. Before you start up your snow blower, you should run a quick check to make sure that all the parts are in order.
You’ll also want to think back to the layout of your driveway before the snowfall came. Was there anything in your driveway that could damage your snow blower (bikes, large stones, lawn decorations, etc)? If the answer is yes, make sure that you clear these objects out of the way before you begin working. The next thing you’ll want to do is evaluate where you want to relocate the snow. You’ll want to make sure that you don’t blow it into your neighbor’s yard or onto the road – both of these options come with undesirable consequences.
Once you’ve decided where you want to pile up the snow, devise a pattern that you can follow until the snow is cleared from your yard – much like you would if you were to mow your lawn. This will save you a lot of time and money in the long run. Now you’re ready to begin! However, there are a few simple things that you should keep in mind while preparing to start your work. The first thing that you’ll want to keep in mind is that you don’t want to rush through the process.
Going too fast will clog your machine and cost you more time than working at a slow and consistent pace would. You’ll also want to remember to change the direction of your dispensing chute every time you change direction. Not doing so could ruin a section of your driveway that has already been cleared away and cost you precious time. The next thing you’ll want to do is push the snow blower forward slowly. Take your time and let the machine set the pace for your work. You’ll want to keep both hands on the machine at all times.
Some machine will have one hand steering. While this is a convenient feature and we recommend using it, you should use your other hand to stabilize your dispensing chute. This will help you continue your work steadily. Continue to push the snow blower across your driveway in a logical and well thought out pattern. Remember to change the direction of your dispensing chute every time you complete a pass. Once you’re done, you’ll need to clean your snow blower.
You should do this by using the clean out tool to clear any remaining snow out of your auger or dispensing chute. This will help to keep the machine in top condition. Then you can wipe down the sides of the machine to get rid of any remaining snow or residue. Last but not least, put a mat down on your garage floor to help collect any remaining snow that might melt onto the cement. This will help to keep your workspace clean and prevent any excess liquid from freezing over on your floor.
How to Maintain a Snowblower?
The maintenance required to keep your snow blower in working condition is dependent on what type of snow blower you’ve invested in. If you have a gas powered snow blower, your checklist will be fairly extensive. However, if you’re working with an electric snow blower model, your list will be much shorter. The main things you’ll need to be concerned about are keeping the device clean and making sure your auger stays in good condition.
However, there are several other components from the gas powered snow blower check list that are noteworthy and worth a look into. If you have a gas powered snow blower, your concerns should be as follows:
- How long ago was your last spark plug check? This feature is vital to the operation of your snow blower, so it’s important to make sure that it’s always up to date. Check to make sure that there aren’t any cracks or deposits. If you find either of these things, replace it immediately.
- Have you been taking care of your engine? Oil changes are important when it comes to keeping your engine in tip top shape. You’ll also need to make sure that you’re refueling with the proper fuel type (or mix). If you can, find some fuel stabilizer to put into your fuel tank as well. This will keep your fuel fresher for a longer period of time and help you avoid clogging.
- Take a look at your shear pins. If your auger or gear case become overloaded the shear pins will break. It’s good to check in on them every once in a while to make sure everything is in order.
It’s also important to note that if you own a three stage snow blower, you’ll need professional help to maintain your investment. The make up of these machines are significantly more complex than single stage snow blowers and two stage snow blowers, making it necessary to seek out help from someone who works with these types of systems for a living.
How Often do Snow Blowers get Clogged?
Investing in a snow blower is often a measure that is taken to save home owners on time. The last thing you want to worry about is a clogged dispensing chute! You’ll lose a significant amount of time trying to take care of this issue. Luckily, this is an easily avoidable mistake. By taking a few precautions, you can ensure that you’ll never have to deal with the frustration of a clogged snow blower. The first thing you can do is spray down your dispensing chute and auger with a no stick spray.
This spray works similar to cooking spray and will help to make sure that your machine continues to work without issue. Make sure that you let the spray sit long enough to dry before you get to work. Another step you can take is to find the right working pace. Moving too fast or too slow are both ways to clog your dispensing chute. However, you can easily avoid this issue by working at a pace that is natural for you.
If you have too much difficulty trying to keep up with the pace of the machine, you can upgrade to a more powerful snow blower to counter the pacing issue. Last but not least, try to avoid using your machine when the snow is wet and heavy. This is understandably unavoidable at times. However, getting an early start on your work will help to keep you in the clear. Try to complete your work before the sun is fully risen for the best results.
Where was the Snow Blower Invented?
Have you ever wondered who you have to thank for the invention of the snow blower? If you have, you might be surprised to learn that the invention of the snow blower dates back to 1925. You’ll be less surprised however, to learn that we owe our gratitude to a Canadian inventor. Arthur Sicard is responsible for the revolutionary device that has drastically changed the way we approach taking care of our driveways. The device was first created in Montreal and the first snow blower was sold to the general public in 1927, just outside the town of Outremont.