How To Get Rid Of Chipmunks
Chipmunk infestations can be a nightmare situation for homeowners. When dealing with any rodent problem, the key is to act fast. This is the only way to prevent the issue from worsening. The more chipmunks that become attracted to your yard, the more they’ll breed, and the larger the problem will be. With more chipmunks in your garden, the risks to your outdoor space and your home will increase dramatically.
Why Do I Need To Get Rid of Chipmunks?
Like similar small creatures, Chipmunks are cute and endearing in the right circumstances. This might make you reluctant to get rid of them, but the novelty will wear off very quickly if you don’t solve this issue.
Chipmunks will cause a lot of problems and wreak havoc in your garden. If that isn’t enough of a concern, these critters can move their way into your home through the walls and attic space when left to their own devices. If the problem is left long enough, chipmunks can actually cause damage to the structural construction of your house. This is a major safety concern!
This is why you must act quickly when you notice a chipmunk infestation. It’s best to prevent the problem from becoming worse and allowing these critters to make a home of your space.
What Are Chipmunks?
Chipmunks are commonly confused with squirrels. This is due to some similarities in their appearance and behavior. To treat a chipmunk infestation, you need to ensure that these truly are the creatures you’re dealing with and not something else.
While both squirrels and chipmunks come from the same family, there are some key differences between the two that you can use to determine whether you have an infestation on your hands.
The eating habits of chipmunks and squirrels are very different. This is one of the easiest ways to determine which critter is infesting your yard.
Chipmunks are omnivores, which means they eat both plant and animal material. This is why they’re a big issue in residential areas – it’s due to the trash and waste produced. Chipmunks are also a lot smaller than squirrels, as the latter can grow up to two feet long. Due to their smaller size, chipmunks also weigh less than squirrels.
What Habitats Do Chipmunks Like?
Depending on where you’re located, regular chipmunk infestations may be an issue for you. These critters are typically found in North America, as this is where they’re native to. Only one species of chipmunk exists outside this area – it’s been seen in Asia and some regions of Europe.
Trees are the natural habitat of chipmunks, which means they can be found in any forest or rural location. However, surviving alone in the forest is much harder than being around humans and constant food supplies, which is why they’re now being seen more commonly in-land.
Chipmunks are ground-dwelling critters, which means they will burrow underneath properties or hide in attics and similar dark spaces.
How To Get Rid of Chipmunks
If you’re dealing with a chipmunk infestation, the key is to act quickly. You can take some preventative measures to make your garden and home seem less appealing to these creatures. This should deter them from your outdoor space.
This includes:
Removing Potential Food Sources
This means clearing away berries, nuts, and seeds from your yard, as well as ensuring household trash is removed.
Cleaning Away Piles of Debris, Mulch, and Branches From Your Yard
This will prevent chipmunks from creating a nest, depriving them of a comfortable habitat.
Install Mesh or Caulking to the Foundation of Your Home
This is an excellent option if you live in a location with a lot of chipmunks. This will prevent them from burrowing under your property and eventually getting inside.
Install Fencing in Your Garden to Protect Specific Areas
Consider installing fences around flower beds or other delicate areas of your garden to protect them from any kind of rodent.
Getting Rid of Chipmunks With Traps and Fumigates
If you’re dealing with a persistent chipmunk infestation problem, then traps might be your best option. This may not be something that everyone wants to deal with, but it can effectively reduce or remove any kind of infestation issue.
A rat trap is a great way to capture chipmunks. There are options for lethal traps if required. Ensure the trap has enough bait to attract the chipmunks, using berries, seeds, or nuts. The main issue with a rat trap is the mess they leave behind, which is why most people opt for live traps instead.
It can be quite hard to get your hands on fumigates specifically designed for chipmunks. They’re not always the safest option if you have pets or children around. If you’re dealing with a serious chipmunk issue, then you should call pest control.
Chipmunk Deterrents
If you want to get rid of chipmunks humanely, there are some deterrents that you can use.
These include:
- Essential oils like peppermint, citrus, cinnamon, and eucalyptus
- Cayenne pepper
If you’re dealing with a chipmunk problem, we hope our guide helped! If you’ve tried all of these and you’re still not having any luck, consulting a professional is most likely your best bet.